Cheneau Gensingen
Boston Brace
The Differences Between
Cheneau Gensingen and Boston Brace
The Cheneau-Gensingen and Boston brace are two braces used to treat scoliosis, an abnormal spine curvature. While both braces strive to correct spinal abnormalities and halt the advancement of curvature, their designs, and approaches differ.
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The Cheneau-Gensingen scoliosis brace is based on the principle of a three-dimensional Thoracolumbar Sacral Orthosis Brace (TLSO) from Germany, with a 92.9% success rate. This innovative asymmetrical brace aims for the overcorrection of a scoliosis curve, which means that it aims to correct the curve not only in the frontal plane but also in the sagittal and transverse planes. It is made of a light and flexible material molded to fit the patient's body, and it has a unique shape that allows for maximum movement and comfort. It comes in seven different classifications, is designed based on the individual curve pattern, and can be worn for extended periods, even while sleeping.
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The Boston brace is made of a rigid material designed to correct the spinal curve by applying pressure to specific points along the spine. It is typically worn for 18 to 23 hours daily and is intended to slow the progression of the curvature. In addition, it is usually made of plastic and has a symmetrical shape that covers the entire torso. In terms of construction, the Cheneau-Gensingen brace is custom-made for each patient's curve pattern, considering their specific needs and spine shape. In contrast, the Boston scoliosis brace is typically mass-produced in standard sizes.
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Both braces have their benefits and drawbacks. The Cheneau-Gensingen brace is more adaptable and customizable, which may result in better outcomes. However, locating a local practitioner trained in fitting and modifying the brace may be challenging. The Boston brace, however, is more readily available. However, it might be less effective when addressing mild to severe spinal curvature.